Friday, 21 December 2007

Steel Road

I'm not indulging myself at the moment. My angst, my depression, my blue feelings are not getting an inch. I've got both of my feet on the road and I'm being steely in my resolve. I have a financially tough period to get through and I need all my wits about me to make it through Jan. I haven't heard back about my proposal, although I know they talked about it this week. I was hoping to hear before Xmas, but I'm not sure thats going to happen given that most offices close today. I've sent an email enquiring about progress and given my dates of availability, no reply.
That means that theres no plan in place for income for January.

I'm still not stressing, something will fall in place. I just need to be looking and listening at the right time and in the right place. I'm eating and sleeping so I know the stress levels are OK.

I've completed all of the sales for my other business. Nothing outstanding. I need to do some planning around that though, I haven't got anyone to bounce my ideas off so my focus on that is a little all over the place. I just need to take myself in hand and look at what I want to develop, a budget, timeframe and manufacturer and not worry about what everyone else is doing or not doing. I'm trying hard not to give that energy.
A person close to me has dropped a hint about developing things for the same market. This person works for Govt. She was originally supposed to leave and come work with me but decided that the money was too good to leave. I know that she watches what I'm doing and wishes she could too. So the upshot is, she might. From the safety of her 75k salary and full time job, she could use public money to develop product in competition with my business. I would have a major problem with that....beacuse its public money, because its not their core business and Govt have no right to compete with private businesses. Their level of resource and access is unfair and unethical. Its just a hint at the moment, we'll see where it goes.

There I go again...stepping off and giving energy to might/could/what if....can you please stop me? LOL, no, of course you can't.

I've got a bill to pay today (yes, today, or they will get very angry), one Xmas sale to deliver and a whole lot of op-shopping to do.
I need to cook a heap of potatoes so I can bake bread (potato bread) and make some more chocolates for the last two people on my list. I'm staying on the steel road and I'm going to enjoy Xmas. I'm also going to wear something fabulous today, so that I remember that I'm in control and nothing can sway me, a steely grip on things :)

carpe diem


1 comment:

Bettie K. said...

Staying on the Steel Road...that is fantastic. I couldn't help but smile at your resolve to get dressed in something fabulous. I am advocate of looking the best you can even if you just want to wear sweats.

I am sending you a dose of resolve today....