Saturday, 29 December 2007

How's your house?

I worked for most of yesterday bringing the lounge back into order. Yep, many hours taming that jungle that is supposed to be my living room. I did the other stuff too, washing, dishes, vacuuming etc, but largely the living room was my focus. The tree was taken down and denuded of all its decoration and lights. The piles of paper were sorted and filed.
The point of a coffee table is mostly to provide a centre point to a room and to hold things like coffee cups, tea cups, nibbles, the daily paper and sometimes a work space, a place to gather around and interact. I scored zero for all those activities. The table sat in the corner, no one had coffee, no one had tea, there was no interaction around it, so it got renamed. I renamed it the Paper Table. At around 1300 x 1300 it was overly big and lacked informality. A formal intruder in the lazy room. Its' surface had long ago been erased by a foot of paper. I decided yesterday that the formal intruder must leave the premises and that my habit of creating shitpiles of paper had to go too. I don't want that habit or that table coming along for the ride into 2008.
I scoured the room and made two more boxes of 'stuff' to be rid of. The table has been dispatched to my daughters house where it will find its true purpose in life as a table in the middle of the room that has beer, poker cards, food (some that will probably sit on it for days...eek, not my busines, not my business, not my business) ash trays, cd's, games, the daily paper and more food. I look around the living room and the space has already digested its absence and adjusted. A slight shift and its like the table never exisited, its presence forgotten and erased. Every 3rd person might comment that something has changed but the majority of visitors don't notice. When someone dies its like that too. The space they once held is engulfed by the continued energy of the universe. A shimmer and the majority adjusts to engulf what was theirs and what they owned and the earth keeps turning. For some of us, this shimmer takes a very long time to arrive and we sit and ponder where is that energy that used to occupy that space. In my world, those energies have moved to somewhere that I can't follow at the moment. There's no rush, I won't ever adjust that schedule that the universe has created to suit my own needs. Until then, my life needs to be lived, breathed, felt and explored. My external house needs as much attention as my internal house. 3 days to go, heading to the dining room :)
carpe diem

later: I just saw the coffee table at my daughters home, they(herself and the many young people that often descend there, its their sanctuary from parents, most of them want to leave home but are too frightened) have christened it and it very much looks how I imagined. Immediately adopted and cherished, they wonder what they did without it...:)



Bettie K. said...

As I am writing this, I am gazing at the stack of "paper" surrounding my work space. It never ceases to amazes me how much can accumulate in such a short amount of time. I never thought about keeping ticket stubs from an event as a way of preserving the energy that I felt at that moment. You have such an interesting way of looking at always makes me take pause.

Watergurl said...

and even reading what you've written has extended and pushed what I am talking about Sarah. A continuous 'holding on' which I'd like to exchange for a continuous 'letting go' :)
I met a woman this morning that was selling up her home with her two small boys and moving to Western Australia to be a performing arts teacher. No family or friends there, but much better pay, a home and a very hot climate. She had let go.