Sunday, 23 December 2007

The Unbearable Heavyness of Housework

Confession, although I've found a home for the two chairs, shit all else has changed, the house looks like a rugby team ran through it during a training session and the maid forgot to come to work. I'm the maid, I'm also the rugby team.....
I went shopping this morning because I didn't want to clean house. I have shopping to do, so when I weigh up the two options, hell will freeze over before I chose cleaning over shopping.
A clean house might mean I have my crap together, I don't. I'm in full avoidance mode. Moving from room to room ignoring the mess and focusing only on the door and the pathway to it. Let me make this clear, its not dirt, its mess. Unfolded washing, latest finds from the garage sale in a box at the door, dishes on the washstand, piles of paper everywhere, magazines and mail ughhhhh, now that I've written that I realise I have to leave this post and sort my crap out. I'm getting my battle fatigues on as I type, rolling my eyes and facing my reality. God, being an adult is so f#&^king passe sometimes.



Bettie K. said...

I can so relate...I finally went through boxes in our basement that were never unpacked from 5 years ago when we moved. And I was so disgusted that I gave everything away...I'm not even sure what all was in those boxes, but I figure if I haven't missed it in 5 years it wasn't that important.

Matt has proclaimed more than once that I have too much shit...I replied that all of my shit makes this house a's that for a rationalization?

Watergurl said...

I can see the dining room table surface today...we won't get too excited though, things can change on a day to day basis.
One of the last things on it is a $400 industrial laminators glue looks like a prop from Star Wars. Some of the shit in my house would make no sense if it was randomly chosen. I wish all i had to think about was Paul Newman and a ride home:)
Cheers sarah:)