Thursday, 13 December 2007


This year has been quite rough, emotionally. I'm glad its coming to a close. I have had another setback or 'opportunity' develop this last week. My christmas and holiday stock isn't ready and won't be until the end of January. So effectively I've missed the busiest time of the year, re sales. I was depending on the money over Dec-Jan, so I'm searching for my Plan B.

But I'm letting the stress of it go, just because there's nothing else I can do:) Handed the steering wheel over to the universe and letting it take the scenic route this summer. I know the next door will open shortly and I'll be off again.

Yesterday something special happened:) J is a client of mine, he has a mental illness which sees him swing wildly from feeling joy to despair and back again daily. Through his illness and experience this has enabled him to live and say things far more openly than most people. He introduces himself as having mental illness and will give a level of information usually saved for our nearest and dearest. I like J, I like the way he lays his soul bare. I like that he acknowledges his space and where he is emotionally. I like the fact his conversations don't start about the price of petrol or avocados:) When I ask how he is, I will get reality:) I will get a conversation that often makes people squirm, he's a magician and he doesn't even know it.

I completed a home visit with him yesterday and he walked me out to my car. He said what a nice car I had, that it was a big, powerful car and how lucky I was. I agreed. As I hopped into my car and looked back at J standing on the sidewalk, no shoes, hair uncombed but smiling he said to me " You're very blessed" and I stopped what I was doing and just smiled at him, because he was right. I said 'you're right J, I am, thank you for reminding me".
That moment was a wrinkle in time, when the present shifts so that J becomes the master of the universe, delivering profound little messages to rest of the ant colony.
Thanks J, you made my day, you're blessed too.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am reading your blog from 1pic in a little window :)


But I'm letting the stress of it go, just because there's nothing else I can do:) Handed the steering wheel over to the universe and letting it take the scenic route this summer. I know the next door will open shortly and I'll be off again.
Well said...
Take Care, DocBlog