Sunday, 27 January 2008


I grew a couple of tomato plants and a few tyres full of potatoes this year, I must admit it was my first pathetic attempt at grewing anything since I was a kid. Both crops failed to thrive.

When I was younger, much, we used to grow corn, tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon, pumpkin and peas in our backyard. That doesn't happen too much anymore and I think I planted and grew those tomatoes because I'm looking back, remembering and reinacting some of the good things in my life.

When I think of our garden it is always sunny, hot and clear. A snapshot of a perfect day.

My tomato and potato plants grew and were blighted, I managed to get one single tomato off each plant and a handful of marble-sized baby potatoes. They have withered and died. I don't remember our tomatoes and potatoes from childhood being blighted or lacking in produce. My memory is selective and my present day was disappointing. I am going to make one sandwich out of the tomatoe I grew and I'll saviour it while I eat.

I feel a need to get back to simple things after wandering so far away into the corporate jungle. At the time I loved all the business and some days I can hook straight back in without missing a beat. I've laughed at Texsmissuss posts on mediocrity because I can sooooo relate. I've even played a few of those games myself.

This year I will plan a winter garden and I will tend it better than I did the summer one. I have forgotten how to do certain things but I know with a little practise I can relearn them. Last year I flew to Australia and the States for work and holidayed in Asia. This year I will catch the bus to travel to Dunedin to look for work :)The irony makes me giggle.

I never imagined that I would ever step off that ladder, I liked the view, the money and the lifestyle. Now, its just a different way of being. My mind is not asleep but it does look alot different without the rose glasses and the bifocals :)

I think my business will be great once it gets going, but we'll see when we get there. The journey so far has been most interesting.



Bettie K. said...

To put in bluntly..I can't grow shit especially when it comes to tomatoes! My flowers always look great, but for some reason, I can't master a veggie garden. So I still depend on my mom to hook me up with produce each summer.

I love reading your posts...they are just so serene. And since we are living in a tundra right now, serene is just what I need.

Are you ever going to reveal the kind of business you are starting? Seeing your love for water...I have come up with a few guesses:

1--Ships in a bottle
2--Snow globes
3--Water beds
4--Bottled water (but with some kind of twist)
5--Ice cubes

Make sure you market to Americans; we will buy anything!

Watergurl said...

LOL, your suggestions for business ideas are very creative.....I think I should creat one product from all of those ideas like....
A transparent waterbed filled with ships and ice cubes that has an outlet for snow cones or iced water. You can lie on top of the bed watching the ships bob around while you drink its contents with a straw.
Lawd I need to go to work....:)

Tex's Missus said...

Gawd, I can close my eyes and smell the tomatoes that my nan used to grow years ago - the smell of ripe tomatoes on the vine on a warm summers day is like nothing else - now I'm feeling all nostalgic. The floury, watery, light red tomatoes you get these days are a far cry from the ones you could get years ago....

But, I can empathise with your own feeble attempts at growing your own produce - Tex and I had a huge vege patch this year, and while we planted heaps of different things, we only harvested beans and snow peas :) None of our tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, squash, punmpkins or zucchini's produced any bloody thing !! No doubt we'll give it another go in Winter too and probably be similarly disappointed !!

And, I'm with Sarah - give us a hint about the business H2 !