Sunday, 6 January 2008


I usually visit One Pic a Day Blog as one of my favourites, yours is in there too Sarah....but today when I logged in it came up with a 'this is an invited blog only, you are not invited to read this blog' message...WTF? Shit, some prewarning to join the liferaft would have been nice. I feel like I'm running around on the Titanic with the other lemmings asking 'where's the door Mister, where's the door?'. I feel offended.
Obviously something happened, either he was being abused or had something hardcore he wanted to put out there for just a few. But actually, fuck that, this place is for the public. So we can read and analyse, feel better, feel worse, feel sad, feel inspired, feel fucking happy, feel like purge. Delete the ass comments if you want, shit its your page, but closing the door because you want privacy??....sorry, bah bloody humbug.
LMAO, imagine if I get invited tomorrow?
Anyway One Pic A Day, I bloody miss you already.


Tex's Missus said...

Shit ! The same thing happened to me a couple of days ago and I've been taking it very personally ! I'm not sure whether other regular readers/posters of this particular site have been blacklisted like me, but at first I was trying to recall whether a comment may have offended him, then I was pissed off that there was no forewarning. WTF ??? Anyway, I feel infinitely better after reading your post; at least I'm not the only leper in this fucking colony !

BTW, I found your page from Sarah's, and have really enjoyed reading your posts ! I'll definitely be back.

Watergurl said...

Hey Missus
Welcome :) Yeah, I know, its like seriously...W T F?? LOL. Its like being excluded from the 'club'.....high school all over again:)
Thanks for stopping in, I'll be sure to call in on yours too;)

Bettie K. said...

If someone wants to be private, then buy a friggin journal and grab a pencil. I mean seriously.

However, with that said....I would have been offended too. But what I still find totally crazy is how many comments some blogs get---I mean some people have a huge following. I'm excited to see 1 comment; if I had 30 I would probably pass out.

I'm glad you guys found each other....we all have a lot in common.