Friday, 25 January 2008

The Change

I just offered up my house to Social Services....well, not so dramatic, my spare bedroom to be exact. So that a child can come and stay some weekends and have a safe place to be. Yeah, my eyes are open. Enough wanking on about the suffering that some children are exposed to, just actions. I'm afraid, of myself.
Be the Change I want to See, well come on then, be the Change h2.
Fuck, some days cruising as a lemming, some days exposed. Today, exposed and fronting up, appearing for duty. Scared? yep.
Don't know unless I try, can't yap without walking the line.
Scared still? yep.
Heading out, eyes open and present, still.



Bettie K. said...

And as usual I am going to break this down even further...great material to write about.

Could you send some of you new found bravery my way, please? And some of your focus would be great too.

Tex's Missus said...

Good for you h2; sometimes we have gotta stop with the talking and get with the doing. Being scared is ok, naming the fear is halfway to beating it... I admire what you are doing and will look forward to your updates...