Tuesday, 22 January 2008


Ummm, I have put an ad on a website for a flatmate. Its the weirdest feeling to have to put something out there that you really don't want to do, but have to out of necessity.

I don't want a flatmate, I love living alone, but financially I have to get real. I need the extra money. Done, end of argument.

I want a non-chattering, independant, working, down to earth flatmate.
Secret: somedays I dont like to talk. My family know this and just roll their eyes when I hit one of my 'i'm not talking today moods'. Wierd, yes.

I have a 3 bedroom house, thats all mine to express myself and my indulgent ways, its all about me, all of it, every inch....LMAO, I am an indulged child.
I know a flatmate will do me the world of good. Akin to sharing my toys in the sandpit. I need to stretch myself and my world....S H A R E

I just had a phone call from a young Japanese man who would like the room for 10 weeks, awesome, a trial flatmate :) 10 weeks sounds brilliant to me! He is on a one year working visa and leaves in April. He's visiting today to see the room, so I best get on with it and clean house.

UPDATE: I now have a new roomie, he moves in next Tuesday and his name is Shin, 29 from Japan, welcome to the Hotel California, Shin....



Bettie K. said...

Can your life get any more interesting? My god the material you will have with a flatmate (translation in "American" room mate :)

Let's recap...

1---You leave a great paying job to find yourself and your true passion (beyond brave).

2---You are dating!!

3---Now you are going to have a flatmate....

I can't wait to keep reading!

Watergurl said...

LOL, you are the BEST pick me up Sarah...
I got a flat/room mate!
I took the Japanese guy cos he was lovely, polite, clean and tidy. He moves in next Tuesday. Given that his english is still at learners it should be great fun for the both of us :) Given that my Japanese is non-existent, it should be even funnier. The adventures of Shin and H2....bring it on.

Tex's Missus said...

Bring it on indeed :) There's gotta be a ton of blog material in this for us, your dear and devoted readers. Not that it's all about us.....well, mostly it is. I love to live my live vicariously through other people ...

1. I'm in a job I hate but won't leave because I am a fucking coward

2. I'm married, so can't date

3. I live with husband and 15yo son so can't have a flatmate

So, you owe it to Sarah and I to blog each and every step of this adventure, okay ? (no pressure though) If you don't, I may have to leave my husband, leave my job, leave my son and my home and go off in search of my own adventure - then I'll fall flat on my arse and be miserable for the rest of my life and it will all be your fault !!

Okay, maybe I'm getting a little hysterical, but I'm going to be tuning in for my daily instalment !

Bettie K. said...

Watergurl---have you ever seen the movie Sixteen Candles? I am picturing your flatmate coming in all innocent/polite and leaving a crazy, party man saying the words..."what's happen hot stuff?"