Thursday, 7 February 2008


I just had a valuation done on Friday, the report came in Tuesday night. Apparently my house value has dropped by $30, 000.00
Is this possible? the market has dropped off because of high interest rates (9%...yeah you read right, 9 fucking percent)
Something must have moved into the neighbourhood cos its killed my equity.
I'm in a quandry, going by the valuation I will still owe money if I sell. Exactly the situation you spoke of TM. I woke this morning with a sore jaw, it must be the grinding of teeth?? My shoulder aches (burdened, a physical manifestation of my burdens). I would just like to walk out owing nothing. I would rather not walk of course, but I'm an adult and I can do what needs to be done.
I've also applied for a full time job......
Everything I never wanted. Reality is such a bawdy bitch.


Bettie K. said...

H2...not on a writer's strike, although that was friggin funny. We had ANOTHER snow day and it has taken me longer to post but I have finally managed it.

I'm curious, does NZ offer government programs for those people that are facing foreclosure? They are starting to here in the States but the qualifications are absurd. It's days like this, when the weather is for shit and Matt has to go to work because he's not paid for sick days that depress me.

I swear, I am going to sit under a lamp tonight to fake sunshine. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm not sure what kind of programme ur talking about but I dont think we have them. Its around 98 degrees here Fahrenheit.
Being not well off is alot better with sunshine...being not well off with ice and cold is depressing. At least sitting in the sunshine makes you feel nice eh?

I'll send some over.