Tuesday, 19 February 2008


I've read my last few posts and I sound deranged. Where is my happiness and light? Jeez lighten the fuck up waterbaby.
I tend to plunge headlong into human ravines of sadness and wander around in the gloom for weeks. My apologies.
For the other 23 hours of the day that I am not posting a blog I do think alot and I'm also alot lighter.
I do use my blog to purge my darkness. Its a poor relationship, kind of like the freind that only hears the bad stuff about her best friends husband and then wonders why she saw them happy and laughing at the mall. This is a vital sliver of my existence, my door to free thought and expression. My personality doesn't change too much from how I am on here BUT my willingness to share so much in the real world does.
Its ok, there's a light in my closet, its not always dark.


Bettie K. said...

Can I just say, H2 that every time you leave a comment for me, I end up laughing out loud. You are truly funny. The ability to purge your darkness is so important; and that what your blog is for. You don't need to apologize for that at all. I would be more worried if you had sunshine coming out your arse all the time.

Now what's going on with your flatmate...tell me you have a story or 2 :)

Watergurl said...

Well thank god for darkness and light. Phew, nothing like trying to please the masses (actually two of you, but I don't need to know my readership numbers (no, no don't look at the counter thingy))
I have no funny roomie stories. We are like ships in the night and I love it. I feel like I still live alone.
The only thing to report is that my giant rottweiler/staffy mongrel dog won't respond to him calling her because he calls her Bairee, instead of Bailey....

Tex's Missus said...

Jeez, don't go getting all maudlin and soft on us Ms Waterchick - we three all do the same thing...we write stuff from the heart, when we feel and how we feel - then it's out of our system, we feel that we are being heard, being validated by other Blog mates who listen and who care. This whole Blog deal is meant to be all about us - it's our Dear Diary for grown-ups and a really cathartic experience....When you fall on your arse (God, don't you just love how our Yank mate says arse now instead of ass ???!!), like we all do on these posts, we are there to give you a bit of sunshine and lighten things up. Tell each other how fucking fantastic we are, and that we rock girlfriends :)

You keep on being you and posting stuff when and as you feel - we'll be here to read, and to care x

Watergurl said...

Too right TM, Lets PARTY!!! Forget the marshmallows, lets have tequila slammers all round. Cheers girls.
and ARSE crack is a deadset better term for ASS crack.
Welcome to your baptism Sarah, in a month or two you'll be fluent ;)

Bettie K. said...

You guys make me laugh...