Thursday, 20 March 2008

Easter buns

This morning I'm up early making Hot Cross buns for the literacy class I assist with. While I wait for the local supermarket to open at 7am I thought I would spend my time writing a quick blog. Autumn is approaching at a rapid rate, its 6.43am and the sun is still not up....sad. I love summer. I'll miss the sneaking burn of the sunrise, cicadas and the afternoon heat that quietens everyone.
I'm baking buns for the class because I like them. I like their honesty. I like that their not concerned about fashion and weight, Paris Hilton or the type of car they drive. I like their conversations and I like to see them responding to the teacher.
Many of the women have come from difficult backgrounds and have limited capabilities in reading. But for the most part they are your average member of society.
I have worked in new fields for the last 7 months, mainly because I couldn't cope with the passing of my friend. I felt compelled to leave society (or at least the one I was inhabiting) to experience different lives, different ways of being, different ways of thinking.
I read my business case again and still can't believe it was written at such a traumatic point in my life. I'm amazed that its coherant and solid. Its still solid. I think I expected to pick up a psychotic rambling - no wait, thats my blog :) I still have that dream to completely fulfill that plan. I still believe in that goal. I hope to fulfill it this year.
But in the meantime the wheel of fortune has moved again. I have been offered a contract and a job interview in another city, as well as being shortlisted for another position. All of them are contract work. YAY.
My daughter has just told me that she is moving to Australia in May, she's going to give it a go. She's moving to Brisbane where her father lives. She has cousins and friends there. I'm not fretting, but I will miss her. Now I am literally free. Oh no, no more sheild.......:)
Lets see what rabbit I can pull out of the hat now.



Tex's Missus said...

I hope that - along with chocolate and zits - the Easter Bunny brings you some incredible opportunities under his hat and that you seize them with all the gusto you have demonstrated in this Blog :) It's a watershed period in your life Watergurl and the possibilities are endless and infinitely exciting. We, your blog fans, are keen to come along for the ride; let us know how the adventures unfold...we'll be waiting and championing you on from the sidelines :)

Bettie K. said...

First of all...I never knew "hot crossed buns" were real; no kidding. Second...I am so excited for you even though I can fully understand that "knot in your stomach" feeling. I hope you don't mind that I am living vicariously through you; but I am. It is a journey that I am looking forward to taking!