Tuesday, 25 March 2008


I am affected by the weather. I just realised that when I looked out at the overcast morning. I felt less buoyant. I think I need sun 20/7, not all the time, but a large part of the time.
Over the weekend my sister and I talked about the small things we've noticed as we age. While our minds might become more open, they also get more forgetful. I am often walking around the house asking myself where I put my - phone, keys, lipstick, lettuce, rings, wallet, finger, brain, toes, etc and so forth. Simple things that can drive a person insane.
Hair is another thing. We have noticed hair in places it was not before. I have a single hair that insists on growing out of my neck. Very sexy. Most times it has grown about two inches before I even notice its back. Its opaque, sneaky and defiant. I have asked myself time and again when I have looked in the mirror and spotted it, what is this? Humility for the Women in their 40s 101? My pubes are also back in full force or is that new force? I don't remember sprinkling Ready Grow on them, but there they are, multiplying and germinating. Of course this applies to all hair. The hair on my head is thick, out of control and wild too :)I will never go bald.
I am finally getting to a place where I can look in the mirror and say ok, you look good and a whole new set of rules kick in :) I hope I maintain my sense of humour, because thats the only way to tackle this new path. Laughter and the ability to see the craziness of my actions and reactions.
Well, after a tizzy fit or two.


Monday, 24 March 2008


This weekend was a 4 day holiday weekend in New Zealand to celebrate Easter. If your not Christian too bad :) We're celebrating that nailing up and resurrection sequence, got it?
I drove over to the West Coast (number 5 on the Lonely Planet places to visit in the world.....yep) to visit my sister and spend a couple of days in remote bushland. I can handle being a hippie for short stretches of time. I turn off my cellphone (becuase there is no reception anyway), barely watch tv, no radio (no reception again) and eat food mostly grown in the area. I dress a lot less consciously and I read alot when I am there. I change gears mentally and spiritually, stress less and quieten down. Its good for me.
I drove over on Friday, it was a public holiday and all the shops were closed so I made it there in 3.5 hours. The roads were busy and I spent alot of time looking at the scenery waiting for a passing lane to come into view. I have a Nissan Cefiro and it can gun it pretty fast :) I could be a boyracer if I wasn't already a 41 y old female.
My stereo was bust, so that was the only bummer of the trip. I want to drive across the US one day. I've already travelled from Alburquque to Mexico via Texas on Route 66 and loved it. I will have to have a cool car and a really good stereo when I make that trip, no halves thanks.
Anyway, my sister lives in a rural area, surrounded by native bush, not alot of telecommunications, no coverage, limited tv and some of the most beautiful landscape in New Zealand. We went to "town" on Saturday, like any small town, one street of shops and no mall. There was a market with alot of crap :) I resisted. We headed back to her place at lunchtime and decided to cut some lavender shake before the rain started.
Lavender shake is the remnants of the lavender season. The last stalks that still have lavender buds but not enough to get a run of oil from.
The hill is covered with lavender and bees bob from one plant to the next. I sat down amongst the plants and cut the tops of an entire row. Very slow, contemplative work. It was warm but overcast, with just the sound of bees, clippers and cicadas. A sea of purple mist. Its back breaking work but really meditative.
I trimmed the tops off enough plants to make a pillowcase of lavender. Of course this would be too much for one pillow and instead of relaxing you it would probably make you puke, so I'm making it in to smaller satchets for friends to insert in their pillows.
This morning I am back from my wee trip and I've spent the morning stripping and removing the stalks, sitting the seeds in the sun to dry before I make the pillows tomorrow.
Plants and planting have a healing place in my life. I like the quietness of planting, just me and the dirt. I like to see things grow. I like to see what happens when things are tendered to, just like humans.
carpe diem


Thursday, 20 March 2008

Easter buns

This morning I'm up early making Hot Cross buns for the literacy class I assist with. While I wait for the local supermarket to open at 7am I thought I would spend my time writing a quick blog. Autumn is approaching at a rapid rate, its 6.43am and the sun is still not up....sad. I love summer. I'll miss the sneaking burn of the sunrise, cicadas and the afternoon heat that quietens everyone.
I'm baking buns for the class because I like them. I like their honesty. I like that their not concerned about fashion and weight, Paris Hilton or the type of car they drive. I like their conversations and I like to see them responding to the teacher.
Many of the women have come from difficult backgrounds and have limited capabilities in reading. But for the most part they are your average member of society.
I have worked in new fields for the last 7 months, mainly because I couldn't cope with the passing of my friend. I felt compelled to leave society (or at least the one I was inhabiting) to experience different lives, different ways of being, different ways of thinking.
I read my business case again and still can't believe it was written at such a traumatic point in my life. I'm amazed that its coherant and solid. Its still solid. I think I expected to pick up a psychotic rambling - no wait, thats my blog :) I still have that dream to completely fulfill that plan. I still believe in that goal. I hope to fulfill it this year.
But in the meantime the wheel of fortune has moved again. I have been offered a contract and a job interview in another city, as well as being shortlisted for another position. All of them are contract work. YAY.
My daughter has just told me that she is moving to Australia in May, she's going to give it a go. She's moving to Brisbane where her father lives. She has cousins and friends there. I'm not fretting, but I will miss her. Now I am literally free. Oh no, no more sheild.......:)
Lets see what rabbit I can pull out of the hat now.


Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Arse draggin

Bet that title made you read my blog.......:P
Sorry, there are no derriers, arses, asses, bottoms or booties in this post. Draggin my arse refers to my reluctance to complete a proposal for my old work place. I actually completed a couple at the end of last year and had no reply. I got a call about two weeks ago from my old boss explaining first, how sorry he was that he never contacted me about my last proposal but found that when he shared it with others they commented that it might be a conflict of interest.....did he tell me this? No. I am trying my damndest to stick with the facts and not get all septic and sarcastic about that dumb fuck (oops, slipping).
I work with one artist and that fact that I would never cross paths with him in the work I proposed doesn't seem to be understood by my ex-boss, I suppose thats why he is my ex-boss.
So then he says while he is sorry that he hasn't been able to offer me any work related to my proposal (but someone else is) would I mind writing up an event at the national museum and he will most definitely contract me to project manage that event.......errr right.
I'm draggin my arse over this because I'm not sure that I want to work with him again, that he will keep his word and that he won't take my idea and get someone else to fulfill it.....
But I could seriously take a cash injection.
The dilemma of the less well off......dangle a carrot in front of the hungry and shit happens, any shit, just ask. Although I'm being a little dramatic (okokok, for shitsakes, alot) I am not well off at the moment. I have quite a nice stack of papers on my dining room table that just won't fuck off blah, blah, blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
I'm out at sea in that rowboat again, I look around and can't see a goddam thing :)
Shit, I think I'll have a beer, crank up the music, sit in the sun and think about my toenails.


Monday, 17 March 2008

speaking english

I think I speak english, I think I do. But its all about a cluster of words, tone and emphasis. I text messaged someone a message today, which I thought was pretty straight forward, put in a :P symbol to indicate my cheekiness and voila, the person thinks I am angry. Basically without a tone its hard to hear, as opposed to what we 'think' or 'feel' we hear.
Often I will insert a tone in my mind and before I know it I've donned a flak jacket and headed out to war. I've done it myself, misread the tone in an email and snapped back before I've given the person the opportunity to clarify. So what I'm saying is, our own emotional crap can play a large part in how we read or percieve a conversation. This can be true in text, email and to a lesser degree face to face. At the moment I think my communications skills are low, around 45% of what or how I say things is understood. I have had 3 misunderstandings in the last two days. Time to withdraw and examine the landscape.
I'l also on homeopathic remedies so I'm feeling emo.
Be cool honey bunny, be cool.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

The arrival of Mother

The Mother of my boarder arrived yesterday. She looks around 40 but is actually 57. She is small and quiet, speaks very little English and has never been out of Japan before. Shin and his Mother are heading out on their 4 day adventure today around the South Island today.

Mother bought me a Kimono. It is beautiful. A metallic taupe with black threaded silk. I am in love with it. I have a present for her also, but I will only hand it over when she leaves, its pounamu or New Zealand Jade. We believe it carries the spirit and memories of everyone that wears it. So our exchange will only be complete on her departure, as it should be.

I don't want to clog up this post with any other references but she is a very dignified woman.

Enough said.


Monday, 3 March 2008


"Each culture has its sacred cows.....to ignore them is to presume omnipotence. This is the Alpha and the Omega syndrome"
Recently, Jahnke has been inspired by a number of international artists including Joseph Kosuth, the American conceptual artist, and Damien Hirst.
Like them, he says, 'My current practice is an attempt to entice the viewer to negotiate and experience space. In Back to Front, Mua ki Muri, the Hawaiian installation of 1999, I employed a number of devices to engage the viewer, including a line of genealogical text that established a connection between Maori and Kanaka Maoli (indigenous people) of Hawaii through Tupaia (the Tahitian Chief who accompanied Cook on the 1769 voyage) of the Society Islands.
At a distance the line of text seemed just a visual line.

Taiaawhio II, Huhana Smith, Te Papa Press 2007
Phew, that was a doozey. I don't know 5 people.....err yeah, ok.

Sleep time.



I don't know what a meme is Sarah, but yeah I'll do it later tonight....
I have my roomies mother arriving from Japan tomorrow to stay a few days with her son.....err did I say running on empty, fumes people, fumes.

I'm heading to work, will be back to scrub house and meme tonight.


De Partee

Well the dust has settled on the dancefloor, final rounds were at midnight and Cinderella slipped out to her carriage at around 1.30am
I've marked the occasion and I'm shagged.

This last weekend has been a riot of people arriving,people eating, people drinking and seedy people leaving. We(my family and I) had around 200 people arrive for the joint 21st party for my daughter and my niece. They were born one day apart and have always been joined at the hip. They are more like sisters, to the point they disagree on many things and just generally give each other grief and love in equal amounts.

Our first family members started arriving on Thursday night. I've driven around 300km this weekend in Airport trips alone. My family is not small, I have 5 sisters and one brother, plus partners, together we have around 21 kids. Only half of the nieces and nephews came because it was just too expensive.

So Saturday morning and afternoon is a mixture of making decorations, cooking food, airport trips and prepping the local club where it was held. We managed to set up in one hour flat before heading home to share two showers with 23 people......

My daughter had spent the morning being exfoliated, massaged and preened before having her nails acrylicised. The afternoon was spent shopping with her father for a new cellphone and shoes. Its hard being a princess :)

I arrived home from setting up at around 5.30pm, one hour to get ready before we were to be back at the club...hmmmm.....blood pressure increasing by one point per minute. I'm one of those freaks that is addicted to straightening my hair....I have a mane.....this is not a 12 minute job. Why didn't I do it earlier? Because I bloody well didnt, thats why. So I dive, literally, into the shower, scrubb like I'm in Silkwood and slither into my clothes so quickly that patches of my skin are still wet and clinging to my clothes....I tell myself, be calm honey-bunny, breathe, you are not competing in the Olympics, breathe. I drive over to my sisters house so someone with calm hands and 360 degree vision can do my hair. No one is at the club at this point, its 6.40pm, invites say 7pm start, its a ten minute drive, at least...
My sister (the mother of the daughter who is sharing the 21st) walks in wearing shorts, a tee-shirt and sandshoes, looking like she's been for a run. WTF???? I ask if shes ok? why isnt she in the shower? where are her clothes? Errrr she needed to pack the car with stuff? NOTE* Women in my family are control freaks, we do not delegate, we do not collaborate, only we know how to do things "right", because there are alot of "wrongs" out there. Luckily this illness in me has decreased to the point that I no longer worry about the cut of the sandwiches, the fold of the fucking napkin or the tie of the ribbon, but thats me.

So I leave because I immmediately realise that no one will be there to greet anyone, anywhere. My hair is half done, the underside is straight, the top remains bouffant. Its a new style, never seen before, trust me it'll be all the craze shortly.

I arrive at 7.02pm, people are milling around, the kitchen is in chaos which means we have alot of food to prep and my two friends are trying to make sense of our family system.

Its ok, within 30 minutes everything is back on track. The guests arrive and seat themselves, the music starts and away we go. The club is full to capacity and the smokers sit outside enjoying the rain (yes, its raining) and everyone is happy. I'm walking the floor like a prison guard, asking if people are ok, need anything, happy? ecstatic, cool, need a drink? why not. Am I calm? no, Stressed? just a little (mountain).

We have the speeches at 9pm, my daughters father gives a very good speech (do I sound surprised? I am...very) and my brother-in-law makes his daughter cry by being sentimental and loving, let me hear a collective awwwwww, it was spesh. I did my three minute speal and there were no 'Office' moments. I'm used to public speaking (surprisingly)and I don't flinch, sweat or lose my words. We hand over to the grandmothers to say a few words and this is where I should have picked up the tranquiliser gun. Ole nana can't get off the mic, she loves being in the spotlight and damn she loves the volume on this thing. She loves it so much she's adopted a fake british accent like our girl Britney. WTF? 3 minutes turns into 6, which becomes 9 and finally 12. People are getting restless and scrapping charis because a)its boring, b)no one knows what the hell shes talking about and c)can you get her the hell off? My own mother, when she managed to grab the mic off the Talkalitis Nana kept it to 2 minutes flat, one minute for each birthday girl. Ma, you rocked it like it should be.
The girls blew out their candles on a chocolate gateau and everyone ate a mountain of food, powered through 2k worth of free alcohol and rolled away into the darkness (in cabs) at midnight.
I helped clean up and a couple of us went to a friends hotel (gay male, no action)room to talk and have a few drinks. I ended up crashing out on his bed because I'd been up since 4am the day before and I was well and truly munted.
I drove home at 5.30am and rolled around in my own bed until 7am until I couldn't stand it anymore and finally got up.

I drove to my sisters house to find her wide wake like myself.....overtired and running on empty. Sisters of a feather, control together.

We had breakfast, silently agreed that we were glad it was over, gave each other a hug and debreifed on the events of the night before.

By the time our tea was finished everyone was awake and it was time to take the first lot of people to the airport for departure. Robotics kicked in and we put our tired faces away, put on our chipper faces and rolled.

I got home from my last trip to the aiport at 10pm, went to bed and played possum until 6am this morning.

Its over, it was great and its done
Carpe Diem
