Sunday, 13 April 2008

The little bird flies

She left yesterday and no one cried. But I did feel immensely for her boyfriend, because he's unsure she will ever come back. But I know my daughter.
She will be back because she doesn't actually like change. I know she left because she needed to make a statement about not becoming complacent and making bold choices, being young and not settling just because its easy.
And I admire her for it. I also know she's a bit of a homebody, likes her creature comforts and loves to be around her family.
So I say, fly little bird, challenge yourself, flap your wings and expand your horizons because home and family will always be here. Have confidence to fly in a circle but make that circle as big and as long as you like.


ps I got the smaller contract, I'm ecstatic, I find out about the big kahuna tomorrow, but I'm ok either way, my plate is full and I am sated.


Bettie K. said...

You must be so proud, must be an ache in your heart that is two-fold....sadness for a particular chapter that is ending, and outstanding pleasure in seeing your daughter approach life as a woman.

I hope you are also savoring how well you did raising her...she is who she in large part because of you. Take a moment to soak that in too....

Tex's Missus said...

Come and visit her over here in Aus - we could have some wicked fun up in Brisbane or down here in Sydney :)

I echo Sarah's sentiments - you have much to be proud of H2