Friday, 9 November 2007

Once upon a Saboteur

She is a saboteur. She plants seeds of doubt and cultivates them as if they were newborn babies, so tender but so deadly. She makes jagged comments and undermines truth, hiding her fears behind commentary and supposed objectivity. She seeks comfort and understanding after she has created mayhem. She feigns sadness and distance after her motives are questioned. She plays this game really well and can spin all stories so that they might make Oompa Loompa Land.

She is fearful and believes honesty is about criticism. She does not want to be wrong, She does not like mistakes. She is misled, she does not know that honesty is actually about looking in the mirror and knowing your own faults, owning them, embracing them and being able to see yourself in others without turning away. She will come to know that honesty is face on and standing upright. She appraoches with a smiling mask, a sharp tongue and a razor scythe that fits so neatly into her pocket.

She skirts the edges and never participates so that she can revel in the post-dissection and criticism of the bloodiest kind. She prefers a blunt knife for the autopsy, so that the pain is excruciating under the guise of detached observation. She is fucking angry. He needs to watch out:)

He actively buys into this behaviour by supporting Her analysis and criticism. He takes on the criticism as if it was His own and starts perpetrating that myth. He wants to be manipulated. He desperately wants Her approval, of which She will never give. She is angry, remember?He reinforces the lies, because he'd rather be unhappy than alone.

These two are perfect for each other in their own world, but woe betide this happy couple when they encounter the outer world.

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