Sunday, 16 December 2007


I got to the market this morning and found around 10 new stall holders....which meant it was packed. They had taken a few regular places and we ended up at the back which is not so popular. It sweltered today, so the plus of being at the back was that we also were under the trees :) And lots of people gravitated to us because of those beautiful trees. I let go of the beautiful bakelite valve radio I had, around 1930s era, beautiful form, some old guy bought it at a steal, I hope he enjoys it. He did try and bargain me down, but I know it was worth alot more, so no deal:)

The guy that runs the market bought around christmas cake for the stall holders and told me to take a piece for my mum that runs the mum that runs the stall is my sister.....LOL. I said 'my mum's gonna be bloody mad to find out she's my sister'. Needless to say I never told my sister about his comment she'd go bezerk. She doesn't look that old actually, but she has grey hair around her temples. We made a quick killing and left after 3 hours, too hot and I needed to go meet my 'date'.

I spent an hour rushing to have a shower, wash my hair, style it and find the right outfit. An outfit that expressed my personality but wasn't too contrived.....eeek. It was so hot today I was sweating by the time I was dressed, my hair was frizzing out and by the time I was ready I had 15 minutes to get there. Sweating is not a good first impression :)
My date was at a really cute cafe that's an old house, with an outside eating area with big trees, rustic tables and wildflowers. G was one of those nice quiet guys that women often mistake for gay men. He talked very softly, slightly nervous and an over emphasis on the letter s. This is not a big deal until you hear it.
He is also a homebody, vegetarian, introverted, late morning riser who hasn't had kids and doesn't want any.
I'm not a homebody, I want adventure and travel. My early years in this world were spent moving every 1-2 years as our family followed Dad from job transfer to job transfer. What this means is that I don't mind up and leaving at short notice, actually I love it. I'm also not shy anymore, its taken alot of years, some hard grafting but my own introversion is over. Vegetarianism is interesting because I think its an ethical choice and not something to be compromised on. I haven't made that ethical choice and I like to eat meat now and then. I don't think vegies and carnivores match, is he likely to kiss me after I've eaten a hamburger? That sounds silly and you might well laugh, but its true. I also like to get up really early, around 5.30 to 6am. I want someone to get up with me and sieze the day, talk to me and share the quietness of the morning.
I add these things together and I find that he will suit someone else much better. The upside is that we had good conversation and I felt that he could be a friend, we traded cell numbers and I'll give him a call if I get an invite to something that requires a partner. G was of the same thinking I think.
I came home, took the dog for a early evening walk, watched her swim like crazy in the river, I love my dog, she a huge galloping rottweiler thats easy to love.
I came home and lay down for a while to escape the heat. I woke up a couple of hours ago...feeling refreshed because I slept for three hours!!!!!
Needless to say, its after midnight and I'm wide awake. Party anyone?


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