Monday, 19 May 2008

Ground control to Major Tom, turn out the lights when you've finished, cheers

I've just been away for the weekend. It was stunning. I walked along beaches, fossicked for stones, gathered palm pods, sat in a bathtub in the moonlight, relaxed with a stone massage, got stoned, drank a couple of beers, laughed, ate and enjoyed my sisters company.
I drove for 4 hours to see her. It was worth it, she lives in a remote area where few people live and even fewer visit. When I arrived I realised how sore my shoulders were. I have lived too much on my computer this last 6 weeks. I have overstepped the line on how long one should look at a screen and pound on a keyboard. I have an addictive personality. My name is h2 and I am a computerholic.

I have been working two part-time jobs, two contracts and one agent role for a while and its causing my shoulders to seize up.

All of them are shaking down in different ways......ahem......drum roll, here we go.
  • part-time job number one has given me a $3 per hour pay rise....given that I am making a little more than minimum wage, its not surprising.....but its nice, but it won't stop me from leaving :) Thank you
  • part-time job two remains static
  • contract number one is near completion and will be installed within 4 weeks, all the drama-queens are booked, marketing is complete and we are just waiting for camera, lights and action
  • contract number one has led to a potential contract number 3, but we are going to play a much harder ballgame next time. No more back scratching.
  • contract two is a bloody political minefield, they are getting the f&^*king bargain of the year with this one. So much work and two-stepping that I feel like a tap dancer on polished tiles (that means I am dancing double-time). Too many egos and not enough kitchen hands. Beautiful. I went away for the weekend because this weekend coming up I am at a meeting that will increase my grey hair content. I am dreading it. The vision is there but so many people are frightened of change. Its like walking into the Colosseum (that's very dramatic, I know, but there will be lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my)
  • The agent role has reached an interesting impasse. We are locked over percentages. What is my Value, what is my Worth? I have a bottom line and I'm not budging. I've worked through issues that were beyond the call of duty, drawn up a vision that didn't exist before, given 110%. I feel sick. The question is and will always be - do you know my worth? Well its taken 5 days to get a reply, so I guess that question is causing alot of problems in someones mind?
I'm going to bed early, I'm tired of the mind-crap.

Thanks for the weekend, it was fab. Oh to live so lightly.....nah, forget it, I would get bored without my computer. Unplugging now.


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