Saturday, 23 February 2008

a touch of insomnia

Its 4am and I'm wide awake, even though I was exhausted when I hit the sack last night. Bugger, I hate that.
I wrote the most boring post in the world and deleted it. Better to say less and mean it.



Tex's Missus said...

Snap Sister :) WTF is happening to us ? I've struggled to get more than a couple of consecutive hours in the past few weeks. I've been putting it down to the stress of a new job, coupled with the DVT and stopping my HRT cold-turkey (and dealing with the fucking hot flushes and night sweats that accompany that), but I dunno. Whatever is going on is wearing me down and I feel flat and uninspired. You will have noted my lack of blogging and posting of late - I just can't be arsed doing a freaking thing - blah, blah, ugh... Maybe you and I have caught that bloody funk our mate Sarah was banging on about earlier this week ??

Hope you get 8hours quality sleep tonight my friend - meanwhile I'll try and think of something meaningful to Blog about - nah, fuck it, I've got nuthin' ... I'll just go to bed and stare at the inside of my freaking eyelids for another few hours..

Bettie K. said...

Okay I am going to kick both you in the arse...I want some funny from both you next week. Don't make me get on an international flight....:)

Watergurl said...

I'll have a small coke with my funk please. I think I need to run the fuck away. My god, I'm boring myself to death with my unmotivated arse.
My shoulder has RSI add that to your DVT because of HRT and we get FKME. I'm trying Sarah, like a creature from the black lagoon....