Monday, 4 February 2008

Can I have another helping of that?

The weekend has come and gone, like water down the plughole.

I was just cruising Blogger like I do sometimes to see what blogs catch my eye and I just have to note one frustration. I'd like there to be settings and the nav bar at the top should be compulsory. If you're like me, you like to hit the 'next blog' button and come skidding to a dead end when the person has elected not to have the nav bar. It means reversing out of theirs to the prior blog and hoping not to run into another dead end, annoying.

I went out for a drink with my work colleagues on Friday. I usually avoid the social outings but this time I thought, why not? Within about 10 minutes I remembered why not. Note to self, never, ever go for a drink again on a Friday with colleagues. Choose a lobotamy first. I don't know whether its age or interests but I had brain ache I was so bored. One woman excitedly retold of her card making hobby and how she had ordered a new cutter with six stars as opposed to the four star that she had had. AND the colour pencils that cost $175 because there were none like them in the world for card making....yep, ok. One passed around photos of her grandchild and one talked non stop about her dog popping his cherry, locking and unloading for the first time. I looked around the room and thought, have I slipped into another dimension where shit like this makes sense? Am I not hearing the conversation correctly because everyone else is animated and happy. I nodded and smiled for about an hour and then picked up my car keys about to leave. One of the women said 'whats wrong are we boring you?' to which I replied 'yes'. Naughty I know. Sometimes I am blunt for the shock factor. They looked at me aghast and laughed because they were sure I must have been joking.

I think I need to get laid.

All volunteers for said vacancy please meet in an orderly line at Hornby (that is a place, I kid you not) Mall, 3pm, wear orange trousers (just because I'm sick and need to be entertained)



Tex's Missus said...

No Watergurl, I don't think it's age or interests; nor do I think it's you ... I just think most people are boring, tedious fucks ! Now, I love my kid more than life itself (I'm sure you do to), but I have never assumed that anyone else would share my level of interest ...or any level for that my child. So, I've never subjected others to the annoying habit of passing around the photo albums - and I'm sure I won't be bloody doing it with the grandkids either (if that ever eventuates) And what makes people think that their freaking hobby is in any way, shape or form interesting to other people - sure, sure, bang on all you like about your scrapbooking, cross stitch, latest knitting patterns, or your freaky card making experiences with those in your equally freaky clubs or groups - but pleeeease, save us from having to jump out of the nearest window by keeping your innane chit chat to your bloody selves when outside that cosy little forum :)

And, as ashamed as I am of having to let down the sisterhood, this phenomenon is almost exclusively the domain of women - I would rather talk sport or even arm wrestle (hmmm going out on a limb there) a bloke than talk to his missus about the kids/P&C meeting/latest recipe/shopping expedition etc... (Close girlfriends are of course excluded from that exclusion zone....)

And, Good luck with meeting "Mr-You'll-Do-For-Now" in orange pants (we, your loyal reader base, demand full disclosure of course)

I know that you girls know what I'm talking about :)

Bettie K. said...

LOL again! You are on a roll! Watergurl I went out with a neighbor once and will NEVER do it again. She was so boring; you know something is wrong when you can't catch a buzz to drown the boredom.

And I love that you told them you were bored. I totally would have bought you a drink!

How about your flatmate? Any chance you could use him for a shag?

Watergurl said...

TM - thanks, I'm glad to know there's another person on Planet Z that understands the dilemma of mixing with "the others" sometimes come off as brethren of the Living Dead. I'm sure its the same for them mixing with me.
Thats the beauty of the sisterhood, it can look how ever the hell WE want, wrestling, carpentry and lipstick included.
Mr DO It Right Now has been reduced to a orange latex gadget with batteries.
Sarah - Shagging younger, innocent, virgnial flatmates is a possibility if I'm drunk, will keep that in mind as a last resort. Run Forrest, Run.