Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Mayhem in the house

I don't know how, but after 5 solid days of packing, the house looks worse.

I have no clear pathway anymore and theres a mass of stuff still to pack...I'm scared. LOL.

Only when I began to pack did I realise how out of control I am. Oh the madness, the sweet, sweet madness....:)

Some of the stuff I'm selling is going too cheap, bidding online is crap sometimes. Or maybe the market just says, your stuff is, probably, I have strange affinities that only I will understand and treasure (emotional attachment again...)

The truck arrives in two days and I have a tonne of stuff to get through. I arranged the disconnection of my phone yesterday and they told me if I wanted to connect at the new place it would cost me $60. I disagreed and said that I had been with their company for over 10 yrs, paid my bill on time and thought they should waiver the fee (this is quite acceptable practise, they did it for me when I moved here). Needless to say the team leader disagreed and wouldnt waive the fee. I said I would consider going to another company like Telecom, he/she said fine, they will charge a connection fee a red rag to a bull....I sent a letter

NOTE TO BUSINESSES: never treat your customers like they are dispensable.
The only difference between companies is CUSTOMER SERVICE and PRICE. If you are not outcompeting your competition in terms of service and product price, then you are offering NOTHING.

A bad storm is supposed to roll in today. Given that I will be buried under newspaper and boxes its not such a bad way to spend the day.

My car broke down yesterday morning, I think the gods are making sure I get it looked at before I drive north. The AA (roadside assistance) said my fans are munted. Scuse me?
Apparently the cooling fans are not working.....ok, will get it looked at today. Like I said, best to happen now and not in some remote area on my travels.

I'm going to miss my daughter, I worry about her sometimes. Being an adult is even difficult for those of us that have had years and years of practise. She is pigheaded like her mother, so she will learn and grow.....sometimes at a slow pace. Its hard to know that we have choices, even if they are crap choices, but ALWAYS there are choices and don't even start on the personal responsibility :)

I think I would like to lie down in a field of long grass and not think too much for a while. In New Zealand you can lie down in the grass and not worry. We have no snakes, scorpions or poisonous spiders. Nothing poisonous except the Katipo spider which is about as common as Michael Jackson at your corner store on Monday night.


1 comment:

Bettie K. said...

I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing in your new place---new job---new life?? I hope all is going smoothly.

I have renamed my blog in case you ever want to stop by again...

Miss you H2O