Sunday, 28 October 2007


Enough of the gloom. The sun is shining, summer approaches on cat feet, slinking slowly into town. The sun rises at 6am now and so do I, I love the mornings. My mind is clear and sharp, I can focus and achieve more in the hours from 5.30am to 9am than for the rest of the day put together. Do I wake grumpy? hardly ever. Sometimes I have a headache, but even then grumpy is not part of my personality at that time of the morning. I save grumpy for later on in the day when my energy is drained.
Mostly I am really happy to be alive and even more so when the sun is shining and the heat slowly rises through the ground.
Summer invokes blackberries, cicadas, lawnmowers, daisies, water and music. I love summer and I love the sun. Today I am having most of these things and the Ocean. I'm heading out to enjoy a day in the sea, collectiong shellfish and just being away, away from home, away from work, away from the hum drum. Yay. Throwing towels, flasks, snacks into a bag and heading out into the sunlight. Enjoy the day, wherever you are.


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